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  • Inspirations
  • Project Gallery
  • Jiaxing Culture & Art Centre
  • Jiaxing Culture & Art Centre

    Location: Jiaxing, China

    Sqm: 4500

    Year: 2021


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    The most used surface in a museum or gallery is the floor and it needs to be as beautiful as durable. Besides, flooring must reflect the aesthetics of the artwork and space while being also sober and elegant. Daily traffic from visitors take a toll on the floor finish.
    Today, museums pick dependable, modern materials when building new or renovating old spaces.

    Linoleum is a perfectly suited material for museums and art centres. It resists to high traffic and scratches, it's organic and the design is a timeless classic. Besides, linoleum like vinyl materials can dampen impact noise, which is a big advantage for those kind of premises, compared with other materials such as hardwood, laminate or ceramic.
    Laslty, our linoleum ranges are specially engineered with an exclusive surface coating for enhanced performance and they boast also antibacterial & antiviral activity.

    World Leader

    Floor covering solutions


    Recycled materials, recycling of end-of-life products, ISO14001


    Specific responses to the needs of twenty market segments

    Expert team

    Commitment to the success of our customers

    Customer success

    Daily commitment to guarantee our customers total quality and competitiveness.