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  • COMMERCIAL Flooring
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  • Gerflor Technocentre
  • 26.05.2016

    Gerflor Technocentre


    A few years ago, Gerflor dediced to open a training centre dedicated to the training of professionals and apprentices .

    The so called Technocentre is located in Tarare, France and offers training sessions in flooring installation.

    Apprentices are trained to become floor fitters and professionals can improve their skills or learn how to install specific flooring systems or solutions such as :
    installation of floorings on asbestos subfloors, shower systems, clean corner systems...

    Every year, dozens of people are trained in the Technocentre and roughly 20 apprentices get a degree in "flooring installation".

    A new Technocentre is now being opened in Morocco to answer the needs of the African and Middle East areas.

    To find out more about Gerflor Technocentre and training sessions, please contact us.

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