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  • COMMERCIAL Flooring
  • Resilient, Durable and Inexpensive. The benefits of Gerflor’s Vinyl Flooring...
  • The benefits of Gerflor’s Vinyl Flooring...

    Durable Flooring for a multitude of applications…

    Gerflor’s resilient flooring has set the standard for a wide range of commercial and domestic settings. Our flooring is used in many hospitals, schools, airports, care homes, offices and gyms across the globe. Countless people turn to Gerflor to provide inexpensive flooring solutions for their work place or home.


    What is Resilient flooring?

    Resilient flooring is defined by Resilient Floor Covering Institute as firm, yet has a "give or bounce back." Gerflor's vinyl solutions perfectly suit this need with heightened PE and R ratings. Carpet has give but is not firm enough, hardwood is firm but has no give. Vinyl perfectly splits the difference to become the most resilient solution available on the market.

    Geflor's durable flooring solutions do not easily scratch, gouge, and dent. This eliminates the need for replacement every five years. Vinyl is the most versatile flooring solution available and we have a multitude of options. It is nearly impervious to most stains, damage, and water issues. Cleaning it is as easy as keeping it free of debris by either sweeping, vacuuming or mopping.  You don't have to worry about scratches from furniture and stains from spills.


    Why choose Gerflor's inexpensive flooring?

    Generally vinyl flooring installation costs are more economical than other flooring categories. Our flooring is a widely popular inexpensive flooring option offered in either tile, plank or sheet form. It offers a great value coupled with a wide range of colours, designs and styles. It is easy to both cut and install as it does not require special tools.

    Our durable flooring is perfect for commercial applications due to its price and resilience. Gerflor can help assess your flooring needs and give you an idea of the direction you want to go.


    What is Low VOC flooring?

    Low VOC flooring solutions limit the amount of volatile organic compounds produced. A great deal of VOCs are either dangerous to human health or cause harm to the environment. Respiratory, allergic, or immune effects are associated with man-made VOCs. We work hard to produce very Low VOC flooring solutions for the home and commercial settings.

    For more information on Gerflor's vinyl flooring solutions please contact us.