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  • COMMERCIAL Flooring
  • Duration of use

    An average life span of 25 years

    Sustainable soils over time

    One way to contribute to sustainable development is to design and manufacture products that are durable over time. At Gerflor, we consider our products as goods durable equipment, including functional characteristics and aesthetics must be maintained over time. Whether they are made of PVC, linoleum, wood or polypropylene, our floor coverings are all extremely resistant.


    Floors designed to resist

    Wear and tear from walking is the first threat for a floor covering. Our ranges offer adapted products as well as intense pedestrian traffic (e.g. public building lobby), shops...) as well as regular mechanical traffic (e.g. trolleys, etc.) warehouse elevators).
    Our floors are also designed to resist the aggressions of the environment in which they are laid: punching, scratches, chemical agents, temperature differences, humidity....




    The linoleum floor DLW of the hotel of city of Bremen (Germany) is of origin: it has been posed in 1913!




    Floors designed to reduce the impact of maintenance

    Maintenance: a major environmental impact


    Over the entire life cycle of a floor covering, maintenance alone accounts for 25% of the product's environmental impact. Maintenance generates significant consumption of water, energy and cleaning agents.



    Revolutionary surface treatments






    Our various surface treatments protect the floor covering and avoid costly metallization* over the entire life of the product.
    They offer better resistance to stains, facilitate maintenance and save water and detergent.

