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  • COMMERCIAL Flooring
  • CSR Report

    Our CSR approach continues to expand day by day. Since 2020, the group has prioritised its goals in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Today, our long-standing commitment is integrated into the action plans of all departments of the company.

    We are driven by strong customer commitments : we want to anticipate needs, make everyday life easier, maintain health and participate in well-being while contributing to sustainable development.

    Download our CSR Report


     «Our products have always been a part of the everyday life of millions of people throughout the world. Whether it's at home, in healthcare facilities, in schools, at work, in public places or in transport. As we develop and manufacture our floors, walls and finishes we always keep in mind our responsibility towards our teams, our customers and the environment. We enforce the highest standards when it comes to health and well-being. As an industrial company in over 100 countries, we strive to maintain our growth objectives while proactively managing our environmental and social impacts. With recyclable products and high recycling rates, Gerflor has always integrated the principle of the circular economy into its industrial processes.
    Today, the group is going one step further in structuring its CSR approach around a much more global objective: to have a positive impact on our direct sphere of influence - our staff, our products, our customers and, more broadly on society and the environment. This ambition is reflected in our strong commitments for 2025 detailed in this report. These are our various levers for action to address the climate crisis. We care, we act is much more than a catchphrase. It is a vision which guides us every day towards our teams, our customers, our communities, and the planet.»

    Bertrand Chammas Chief Executive Officer of the Gerflor Group


    Main commitments for 2025


    Save natural resources


    Users’ health and well-being
    Customer and consumer satisfaction


    Staff health and security
    Skill building


    Ethical practices
    Responsible purchases


    Our commitment to the planet

    Faced with the climate emergency and associated risks (more regulations, raw material instability, disruption linked to more common natural disasters), Gerflor commits to reducing its impact. Resolute action is taken on its direct operations but also upstream and downstream value chain. We also hear the high expectations of our stakeholders related to environmental protection challenges.

    Sustainable development is a strategic priority with 4 axes : estimate our carbon footprint, limit the impact of our products on climate and raw material depletion, decarbonise our manufacturing and logistics sites,take on the recycling challenge.

    Our main objectives:

    • 20% on BGES scopes 1 & 2 vs. 2019
    • 35% loose lay products
    • 30% recycled materials in products
    • 10% organically sourced materials
    • 60000 T recycled materials consumed/year


    Our commitment to our customers

    Mindful of the health and well-being of users, Gerflor commits to designing and manufacturing healthy products and maximising the comfort of users.
    Aiming for high customer and user satisfaction, we support them at each step of their project.

    Our main objectives:

    • 100% products <100µ/m3
    • -30% customer issues



    Our commitment to our employees

    Our Gerflor group employees are our biggest asset. We are committed to offering them the best working conditions and ensuring a good balance between their work and personal lives. Thanks to a Human Resources policy and an ambitious prevention approach, Gerflor brings to each and every one of its staff members support and training which will help them grow and evolve within the Group.

    Our main objectives:

    • Tf1 < 4 =(number of yearly accidents/number of yearly worked hours)x1,000,000
    • 1,75% wage bill invested in training



    Our commitment to the society

    As a responsible company, we base our operations on strong principles:

    • Responsible purchasing: suppliers are selected based on our purchasing charter which includes consideration of environmental and social responsibility.
    • Ethical commitment in our business relationships is managed under our ethics charter and our anti-corruption code of conduct.

    In the territories where we are present, we contribute to society through active local participation:

    • Training and skills development in our Technocentres.
    • Supporting associations engaged in reducing poverty.
    • Working alongside partners engaged in the cultural world.

     Our main objectives:

    • 100% of staff trained
    • 90% suppliers signed to the responsible and ethical purchase charter



    World Leader

    Floor covering solutions


    Recycled materials, recycling of end-of-life products, ISO14001


    Specific responses to the needs of twenty market segments

    Expert team

    Commitment to the success of our customers

    Customer success

    Daily commitment to guarantee our customers total quality and competitiveness.