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  • COMMERCIAL Flooring
  • Choose Gerflor to satisfy safety requirements
  • Safety is more of a necessity than ever in the professional world, particularly in industries where chemical products are handled and dangerous tools are used. Concerned with satisfying safety requirements beyond official regulations, Gerflor has developed a range of flooring which allows professionals to guarantee the safety of everyone within the different work areas.

    Clearly signal the danger zonesSafety Requirements

    Safety comes first with a clear, visible demarcation of spaces. The aim is to allow employees to equip themselves, protect themselves and increase their awareness in danger zones such as pedestrian, traffic, stocking, fire hazard, stop and ATEX (Explosive Atmosphere) areas. In order to implement effective signage, Gerflor has designed industrial flooring which in addition to fulfilling current regulations, offers marking elements to demarcate the various sectors of the production sites. Thanks to immediately recognisable logos, your collaborators will be visually alerted to risks and may implement appropriate safety measures.

    Prevent risks in ATEX zones

    Certain departments, due to their activity, enable the generation of static electricity. However, this may cause serious accidents. To protect employees from risks of fire, explosion and physiological consequences of repeated electrostatic discharges, it is necessary to install an antistatic or electroconductive flooring, which will allow the discharge of static electricity. In order to satisfy the regulations of high-tech industries, Gerflor has developed its range of GTI tiles, thereby offering optimal protection for all industrial sectors subject to static electricity. 

    Avoid accidents at work thanks to anti-slip flooring

    Slipping on the floor can lead to work stoppage. This type of accident at work is more serious than others. In effect, the risk is less obvious than that of working near a machine tool or even handling dangerous products. Even if they are perfectly trained on occupational risks and safety measures, your collaborators may be victims of falls on the same level caused by slipping if the floor is wet or dirty. To mitigate this danger, Gerflor has patented anti-slip, easy to clean flooring with a 100% waterproof guarantee thanks to its heat sealing and attachment to baseboards. To reduce the risk of falls on stairs, Gerflor has also designed a full market range of anti-slip stair nosing. This is composed of warning tactile strips and signage logos which also guarantee access for people with reduced mobility or the visually impaired.

    Reduce fatigue thanks to durable but comfortable flooring

    Numerous industrial sectors require a standing position or frequent movement. On hard floors of resin, concrete, cement or tiles, standing or walking for a long time may generate great fatigue or even work stoppage following injuries from this fatigue. Gerflor GTI flooring is renowned by employees who use it daily as being more comfortable than hard flooring, reducing fatigue at the end of the day.